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Immediately after recording “SummerSlam 1993 Revisited” last night with Lex Luger - which drops here at 11am ET today - Conrad took to social media to reflect on the experience. Here’s what he had to say:

“I just finished recording this with Lex and it was without question one of the best interviews I have ever had the privilege of doing.

Lex shared unbelievable details about PEDs during the steroid era, the rumor he didn’t enjoy being on the Lex Express, a biker gang coming to his rescue, when he found out he was not winning the title at SummerSlam, what Hollywood folks told him losing would do to his career, what his pals thought about the finish, who the agent was, and even his payoff!

When did Vince layout the plan for Lex turning babyface?

How Hogan could have effected it all?

Did you know Lex and Yoko wrestled a week ahead of the PPV in Memphis?

What did Vince turn down after?

Just an incredible convo with an incredible human being.

I’m so proud of this episode, easily the best yet with Lex! Go get it! @adfreeshows”


David Crabtree

I got to attend Summerslam '93 as a 14 year old Lex mega fan, and was also in attendance for his Nitro title win against Hogan in the same arena 4 years later. Talk about a contrast of emotions!

Luke Shumate

It was a very good episode. Love who Lex has become.