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On the latest Ask Conrad, Conrad went into great detail about his infamous dealings with Ultimate Warrior over his “ring used” championship belts.

Well…we found the emails. And are presenting them here exclusively on AFS, in their most complete form possible.



Matt Geske

I missed the Ask Conrad show. Was there something more to these? Sorry, I’m behind on this

Justin Smith

I've dealt with the warrior as well. He was starting up a new business on life coaching. I bought the initial packet just to support him. But there were several issues. It ended up with him yelling at me for about 45 minutes on the phone. There's a difference between intense and crazy. When I spoke to him, he definitely passed that line

Justin Smith

I haven't heard the show. I was just talking about my own personal experience dealing with Jim.

Brandon LeMay

What about the pics of the belts Warrior provided claiming to be the real thing?

Brain Heenan

The emails ended too soon! What ended up happening??


Hi there, per the post, we presented the emails in the most complete form possible, based on what we had. The full story and context behind them is in the Ask Conrad episode (linked in description)


Despite him being shady, I got to appreciate Warrior being direct and to the point on his terms.

David Crabtree

Doing this when the guy isn't alive to defend himself. Classy.


??? Defend against what, David? We simply posted the original email exchanges between Warrior and Conrad in their original form.

Matt Geske

I can’t listen. I’m not a high enough tier to listen to it. Wish I could, I bet the story is awesome 😁


This for sure sounds like Warrior. Overvaluing everything Warrior related. I was a fan of his as a kid, but then I grew up and saw how much of a hateful person he was and an all around awful person

Ron Ward

If anybody here is very near sighted like I am, click the image to select it. Then right click and select "open in a new tab". Go to that tab and click it again. It will then enlarge the shit out of it. Worked for me. But my eyes are all buggy now.

Dan Lee

Always Believe, Conrad!

Eric Jones

What bs are you trying to stir? Theres nothing to defend goofy it was just presenting the communications

Dustin Kalman

They were trying to negotiate a deal and didn't come to terms. What's there to defend?

Kevin Byrne

This is fascinating stuff. Couldn't help but hear Warrior's voice in his emails. He was more composed in them than I'd imagine he'd be.


Shame the pics that warrior sent aren't available. I'd have loved to pick them apart. This is great sfuff

The Grease

The Warrior never devalued his worth, you have to respect that

Luke Shumate

Well if it was a legit deal, the belts were the original ring used versions, then yes you got respect him for sticking to his guns. But since this was all a scam, he just dug in and tried to rip Conrad off as big as possible. When it’s basically free money bc he won’t have much invested in the value of a couple of replica knock offs, the play is to stick to the high amount to make them seem like they are legit. He was trying to not send out a red flag. It was like a game of poker being played. Warrior was overvaluing his character of being a good guy and expecting Conrad not to do his research. What if Conrad did buy them at a 6 figure price and later found out he got scammed? I’d sue his ass and use the emails to build the case. I don’t see any redeeming qualities in Warrior or any silver lining to this interaction. Just affirms he was a terrible human being.

Cory Walker

Did Conrad respond after the last email??