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Leave your questions for Mike below for a future Mailbag episode!

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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Casio answer your questions and discuss the 30+ years in the ring - and on the road - for the Third Man in the Ring!



Edward B Ring

Where the hell is my Mr. Chioda action figure !! Just kidding. When it comes it comes 😉 There’s a photo online of you and The Rock where you’re wearing his sunglasses. Did you just walk by and jump in? Did he call you over? Was it planned?

Jeff Ronquillo

Yo! Casio and Mike C! What up usos! 1. Do yall think a Doink reboot would work right now in wwe? A dark sadistic version? Or maybe a female version? 2. Any new cologne fellas? 3. Mike, I've considered moving the family to South Florida. But we like texas. You've lived in Texas, biggest differences from state to state? Cost of living etc