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On this episode of Monday Mailbag with Nick Patrick, Nick and Casio answer AFS member questions - and discuss Nick's 40+ years in the ring and on the road for WCW, WWE, Deep South Wrestling and more!



Adam Krasnoff

On the May 27, 1996 Nitro, Scott Hall debuted from the crowd to kick off the nWo invasion. You were refereeing an inconsequential match between Steve Doll and Mike Enos. As Hall entered the ring, the match abruptly stopped, and everyone casually walked to the back. What did you know beforehand about how the segment would play out? Was any part of Scott Hall's surprise entrance kept secret from you and the other talent to ensure a genuine reaction?

Jesse Huffman

Not a question, just a share. I got a new puppy, her name is Cassiopeia, but I call her casio, due to the infamous casio kid, and she has big poops🤣🤣🤣