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The guys look at who are the biggest carnies in all of wrestling. Plus, Scott and Robert surprisingly trade places regarding AEW!



Mr Epik

As afs residential capitalistic carny. I'm offended This term is used so negatively 😂😂😂

Ron Ward

Wrestling's biggest carnies: Jack Peppers - the guy would run a full card of knock offs. So instead of Bruno sanmartino it would be Bruno Sammartino. That's some serious carnie shit right there. Abdullah the Butcher - The guy has held up pretty much everybody for money including the darkside of the ring guys. Let his own friend die in Brodie. Hulk Hogan - The shit that guy lies about is insane. He even tries to work the boys like that time he "got dropped on his head by the undertaker". Paul Heyman - I hate putting him here because I love the guy. The super shady business dealings and lies he uses to manipulate people make him a must. Biggest carnies out of wrestling: Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Steven Segal and apparently Mr Epik?