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Today we’re continuing our discussion we had a few weeks ago on The Rock this time breaking down 1999!

We begin on the infamous January 4th 1999 Raw (taped December 29) where we saw Mankind defeat The Rock to win Mankind's first World Title. Steve Austin came to the ring to a thunderous and monstrous pop. He went into the ring, picked up a chair and hit Rock in the head with it, and Mankind pinned him for the win. That’s something that you wish you had called right?

Did you think the WWF should’ve made the call to have Foley and Rock in the main event of WrestleMania - or was it the right call to stick with Rock & Austin?

In 1999, Rock’s first major acting gig playing his father Rocky in season 1 of That’s 70 Show which even with a cameo from Ernie Lasd. Did you know or have any idea Rock wanted to or could cross over into the main stream?

At Royal Rumble 99 Rock would win the title back from Mick Foley in the infamous match in front of Mick’s kids where Rock killed him with chair shots in the I Quit match. JR - you were backstage producing Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler - what did you think of all this?

As head of talent relations - were you aware that Mick was hot at Rock for not checking on him after the match?

Did Mick have a valid complaint?

This would setup Halftime Heat - the empty arena match between the two where Foley would get the win. When you look back in the history of pro wrestling and cinematic matches - this is one of the early ones was it not?

The segment - halftime of the Super Bowl - draws an insane rating. Was that a sign of how hot the business was - or do you give credit to the Rock & Foley for drawing the number?

Talk about why this was done & whose idea was it? Obviously from the famous Terry Funk vs Jerry Lawler empty arena match

That takes us to the Valentine's Day Massacre pay per view on February 14th from Memphis, TN where Rock & Mankind wrestle in a Last Man Standing match - that ends in a no contest draw when neither man can answer a 10 count. Of course the next night on Raw - Rock would win the title back in a ladder match with the help of new WWF signee Paul Wight. Rock really should’ve won the title at the pay-per-view shouldn’t he?

The story has always been that Shawn Michaels convinced Vince McMahon that WrestleMania had to have a one-on-one main event - but that it should’ve been Mick vs. Rock instead of Austin vs. Rock. Where do you stand on that?

What did you think of Shawn getting involved?

Which of their matches did you think was the best - between Rock & Foley?

On the go-home Raw for WrestleMania - Austin, Rock, Vince & Shane have the most amazing segment with the beer bath. Is that a top moment for you in the Attitude Era?

That takes us to WrestleMania 15, where we saw the first of what would be 3 WrestleMania matches between The Rock & Steve Austin. Here at the first one in 1999, Rock was defending the World title.

From the Observer

Steve Austin regained the WWF title pinning Rock in 16:52. Jim Ross was brought out to announce the main event and got a big ovation. He didn't do any of the parody of himself stuff that he did when he announced Raw two weeks ago or any of the act where he had been made to look like he'd gone postal. I guess that angle is forgotten and thank God for that. 

The two guys worked real hard brawling outside the ring with Austin in particular taking some nasty bumps. You have to give him credit working as hard as he does considering he doesn't have to and would be just as over if he did a half-ass job. At the finish Austin hit the stunner, but no ref. Earl Hebner ran in but Rock kicked out. Vince attacked Hebner. Vince and Rock were double-teaming Austin when Mankind ran in and decked Vince. Austin did a schoolboy for a cool near fall. Rock delivered another Rock bottom but missed the corporate elbow.

He went for another Rock bottom, but Austin blocked it and hit the stunner for the pin. After the match Earl Hebner, who seemed way more excited about Austin about winning the title, drank beer in the ring with Austin. 


What did it feel like seeing those two in the ring - and them requesting you to call their match?

Which of their 3 Mania matches did you like the best?

Rock & Austin would have a rematch at the next pay per view, Backlash but it’s forgotten about considering the next night on Raw - Rock was thrown out of the Corporation and turned babyface. He had to turn back at that point in time didn’t he?

The roles are reversed now - Triple H was in the Corporation and Rock was now a babyface - and those two came back together at Over the Edge to wrestle. Those two are always going to be related in their careers aren’t they?

Rock has said about that night -

“I was backstage in the dressing room going over the details of my match with Triple H and Chyna. We were talking, moving around, trying to figure out how to make the match memorable, when Sergeant Slaughter walked into the room and said, ‘Owen is hurt…’ I looked at Hunter, then looked at Sarge and said, ‘Oh, come on. Are you serious or are you ribbing?’ Owen was known for his pranks, and I thought maybe this was just another example of his twisted sense of humor. ‘No,’ Sarge said. ‘It looks pretty bad. They’re working on him in the middle of the ring…’

“I went straight to the curtain. As I reached the Gorilla Position, where everyone was gathered, I could see the shock on their faces, the disbelief. People were crying, hugging. And then it hit me: This is real.”

Owen & Rock were great friends. How did Owen's death impact Rock?

At the King of the Ring, Rock would once again find himself in the World Title match at a pay per view, as he challenged World Champion The Undertaker for the title in a losing effort. It sort of feels like Rock is lost in the shuffle as the month after this he puts over Triple H in a #1 contenders match at Fully Loaded in a strap match. It’s tough having two super over babyfaces in Austin & Rock isn’t it?

On the August 9th, Raw, Rock was doing an in ring promo when he was suddenly interrupted by the debuting Chris Jericho. This has been called one of the greatest debuts in history. Jericho & Rock went back and forth with each other on the mic.

 What's your memories of that and how did Rock feel about doing it?

That takes us to SummerSlam 1999, where Rock wrestled Billy Gunn in a kiss my ass match

“Rock pinned Billy Gunn in 10:12 in a Kiss My Ass match. Gunn came out with a short very large woman under a sheet and said when he won, Rock would have to kiss her ass and not his. They brawled some outside the ring. Gunn hit Rock with the ring bell. Gunn countered a Rock bottom and used a neckbreaker. Rock got a bloody nose and made a comeback with a float-over DDT. Gunn finally used his famouser, and went to rub Rock's mouth on the woman's ass, as she lifted up a fairly short dress and showed these huge panties.

During the match Lawler and Ross kept speculating on what kind of underwear this large scary looking woman was wearing. Rock reversed things and shoved Gunn's face to her ass, then hit the Rock bottom and people's elbow for the pin. Reports are that Rock was very upset working with Gunn midway through the match and this contributed to a somewhat disappointing match, a fact he pretty well made clear on television the next night when he tried to categorize Gunn with Gangrel and even Brooklyn Brawler as wrestlers the level that he shouldn't even be booked with. **3/4

After this match, Gunn's push seemed to come to a grinding hault. Why was that? Was he blamed for this match?

Hunter would go on to defeat Mankind on Raw the next night to become WWF champion for the first time. Austin’s neck isn’t doing great either - and Foley’s career is winding down. It was time for Rock to step into the top babyface role wasn’t it?

Hunter and Rock would square off on the first official episode of SmackDown where Shawn Michaels would be the referee and cost Rock the win. There’s always been talk of issues between Rock, Hunter & Shawn. Did you ever encounter them?

After this, we saw the unlikely team of Rock and Mankind form. They ended up becoming known as the Rock n Sock Connection, and on the August 30th Raw, they won the World Tag Team titles from Undertaker and Big Show

Where did the idea come from to put them together as a team and how receptive to it were both men?

The tag titles go back and forth but it all leads to the September 27th Raw, Mick Foley and Rock did the famous This is your Life Rock segment. It got an 8.4 rating, which was the highest rating that Raw ever got for any segment up to that point. Where do you stand on this all-time classic segment - too long - or great?

That takes us to the Unforgiven pay per view. It took place on September 26th. Rock found himself in a 6 pack challenge match for the vacant World Title. Vince had beaten HHH for the title, then forfeited it. Steve Austin was the ref for this match

HHH won the Six pack match over Kane, Mankind, Rock, Big Show and Davey Boy Smith in 20:28. Was the chase of Rock for the title worth more in the long run?

Meltzer reported - At one point there was a plan for Rock to beat HHH for the title on the 9/27 Raw in Greensboro. HHH complained loudly enough about the idea that it was nixed. Any memories of that?

Rock and Mankind would win the tag titles for the third and final time after beating the New Age Outlaws on the October 12th Smackdown before losing the titles to The Hollys on the October 18th Raw

Why 3 short title reigns for them?

From there, Rock was put back into the World Title picture. He was scheduled to wrestle World Champion HHH and Steve Austin in a triple threat match at the Survivor Series for the title

Austin ended up getting hit by a car during the show, taking him out of the match and out of action until October of 2000, so he could get a neck surgery. Big Show was put into Austin's place in the match. This has been long debated - but why Show here?

How long before the event was the decision made to put Big Show in this match and was it ever considered to put the title on Rock here?

That takes us to the Armageddon pay per view, on December 12th. The Rock n Sock Connection reunited, to challenged The New Age Outlaws for the tag team titles

Rock & Mankind beat The New Age Outlaws in 16:28. This was a decent match with a weak finish. 

Rock could do anything - but I don’t know Jim - was this a miss?

To finish the year, Rock and Mankind were forced against each other in a Pink Slip on a Pole match, where the loser of course would get the pink slip and be fired by the new McMahon-Helmsley regime, which sets the year 2000 for The Rock, which I’m sure we’ll discuss in depth in the future.

But for now, how pivotal do you think these 2 years were in Rock's career?

Where do you rank them in his career?

How much had he improved over this period?

Did his attitude change over that time?

There’s been some stories that came out recently over the Rock and his status in Hollywood - with things like being late…is that anything you ever encountered?

Next week JR we will be discussing the 5 year anniversary of you joining AEW. How it all came to be…the progress towards the deal and the company…Tony Khan…the Elite…and so much more!


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