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Hey guys, here's a preview of the upcoming 2nd part of episode 8. The date with Nicole. I'm currently working on the images for the last scene. The "kinky-time" scene." 🥛

With the intro pictures from Cora's date, which I'll reuse to introduce Nicole's date, I have about 208 pictures ready. With the last scene will probably come another 50-70 pictures. After that it's back to writing the text and the code. I aim to be finished by the end of march. Hope this time I can do it without delay.

I also hope you enjoy the preview pictures and look forward to the 2nd part. Thanks for your support and patience! 💖



Kondri János

Looking quite promising. Looking forward to it as Nicole's personality and growth as a person hit me the best from the whole group and curious about how she will develop


Nicole is going big


Good point. From a personality POV, Nicole has changed considerably since the beginning. It will be interesting to see that further change.


Looks like Nicole has grown in the chest department since we last saw her


Any chance we could get an update? Not asking for any details, just a general feel for how this update is coming along...


I'm writing the code right now and still need to finish the last dialogs. It looks like i will make it before april starts.👍