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Hey everyone,

right at this moment  I'm working on the public release of Episode 3. I have improved some small things. (For example the possibility to jump directly to the new episode in the intro without having to copy any files and that the backlog doesn't start at the beginning of the scene but at the point where you open it.)

That put aside, of course, the development of Episode 4 is probably more interesting for you. So here are some facts:

- At the moment, the fourth Episode contains about 250 unique images (For comparison:
 The first Episode had about 500). Most of them play in the Pool Scene, which I have
 completed by now. 

- After a test run, at my reading speed, without skipping things and exhausting all dialog
  options, the current content has a duration of about 20min. If you go back and choose all
  other options in a branching decision, even a bit more. (For comparison: The first Episode
  had a total duration from about 40min at my reading speed and by exhausting all dialog

- The work on the mentioned branching decision ate a bit much time. You get the decision
  to do a certain thing with one of four characters. The content of the scene is the same,
  but I had to create a scene four times with slightly different dialogs and especially with
  different character models. 

Therefore, while I would say that I would be about halfway to my goal in terms of workload, I wouldn't be in terms of playing time. That's because if someone only wants to interact with their favorite characters (which is perfectly understandable, and is what I do in games as well), the content is naturally shorter.

What I'm going to tackle now: 

- Writing private scenes with the MC for Kiara and Cora.
- Developing the plot of the two Succubi to get the milk of the girls.
- Finding a good solution for Cora's and Nicole's continued stay in or departure from the

(I already have the script ready, so I "only" need to write dialogs and create scenes.)

Finally, I imagine you may want to know a release date. I've thought long about what would be realistic, but rather than give you a time frame now that I might not be able to meet, what just disappoint you, I'll tell you this: I don't know how I'm going to be needed by my normal job this month. It could be more. It could be less. But I enjoy working on this and the feedback I have received so far motivates me even more. I will spend as much time as I can on "White Russian" and try to make Episode 4 turn out well!

Thanks for reading and best regards!



Best regards to you as well. Thanks for the update.