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Thought I’d just quickly stop by to give A update for you all. Sorry if it seems I’ve been a bit quite, but I’ve just been busy and dealing with a lot these past couple months. Also feeling a bit depressed overall, but trying to push through it. I’ve been through much worse, but dealing with stress and anxiety just ain’t fun.

Anyways, I’m still trying my best to work on my comic when I can, but I’ll be honest, it’s not easy. I’m sad to say, but because I didn’t draw for over 4 months. My inspiration and motivation completely left me. (I can still draw) but Its not something I “WANT” to do. I don’t have that feeling anymore (Right now) mainly because of the isolation I put myself in to not over use my arm and hand, as well as just not tempting myself to draw only to help my condition. But with everything going on with myself and to have that on top of the feeling of not being able to draw just feels horrible.

I do wish I can get back into drawing again, and get that feeling back into me. But still I’m trying my best to put quality and effort into these final projects I’m working on. I’m not a quitter and I don’t want to give up on this final project.

im just sorry again for how long it’s been taking me.
just happy to see most of you still here with me. 



No worries man, take all the time you need


We'll always be here for you buddy, and I'll always support your awesome work!❤


Hey bud! Rest, relax, find something that DOES make you happy :) <3