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Just got back from the Hospital, and finished my MRI. Just awaiting results now which should be by Friday at the earliest. It wasnt very comfortable being shoved down a narrow tube for 20 minutes. But otherwise it wasn’t to bad, it is amazing to see and think about how far technology has come in the medical field. It is pretty cool and fascinating.

Also, there is a chance I can get a copy of the MRI scan, I’m waiting for confirmation on that. But I’ll be happy to show pictures if I can get my hands on some.

Thanks again for sticking with me. I’ll be trying to take it slow this week, and possibly spend a few minutes working on and off my comic.



20 minutes?! O.o

Colonel Arbuckle

Thanks for the update. Keep taking it easy, Twelve. *hugs*


Good to hear. Upside is they didn't fire you out of the tube. LOL