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Okay okay... I don’t know how many of you saw or noticed my tweet about leaving Twitter, but I’ll explain my reason short and simple.

For those aware of what I’m dealing with, which I hope should be all of you here. Since my neurological condition affect my arm and hand. I haven’t been able to draw as comfortably as I use to. I haven’t posted anything to Twitter for over 3 months now, and there’s no real reason to stay.

And if you think there is, I have my reasons for doing this and made my choice.

Of course I’m sad to leave Twitter. But I couldn’t recover if I tried as my Audience and following would be notified, as I’ve been gone so long. It would honestly be better for me to make a new account rather than use a old one.

As for Patreon... I’m here till I finish my comic, I’ve made a promise that I need to keep, and that is give you what you paid for. I promise to finish my comic as soon as I can.

Until then my Patreon will remain open and active. I have no plans to close this anytime soon.

If you’d like to contact me for any reasons

Telegram: TwelveNine

Discord: TwelveNine#2421



Hey bud! The most important thing is you feel better :) Do what you need to.


I understand your reasioning and I support your decision, I just have a couple questions. 1st, are you going to delete your twitter? 2nd do you have a personal archive of all your work on twitter? 3rd do you have other public archives of your work? I'm mostly asking because I've seen artists delete their online archives for various reasons, thinking they'll never come back, and then return after a rest and regret losing their work. My other, less important concerns are a) leaving content up for your fans to revisit with or without patreon/discord/other limited access, b) being able to return to twitter as a platform without having to find everybody/have everybody find you again. These are all just food for thought, thank you so much for everything 💖


Do what you've got to do man, ultimately it is your decision and you've got to do what's right for you


if you think that's the right decision, then you have all our support!


1: I’m deleting Twitter as along with all the negativity I’ve had on there, I don’t want to keep those memories. 2: I wouldn’t call it an archive, mainly just me having all the original files still on my iPad. I don’t plan on deleting any of my own personal works, and may save a few commissions I enjoy. 3: I’ve already deleted my FA account, and that was the only other public platform I posted on. So no, no other places but here for now. I don’t plan on coming back when I’m finished here, and if I do, I’ll be opening up a whole new account anyways. And as far as leaving up artwork for public, I don’t think I can, I’ve had my journey. Any artwork that floats around on the internet is what’s left. Soo I’m sorry to say there won’t be much left of me.


Sorry to hear that, but I hope it will help you feel better, and I hope your condition will get better too. Please take your time to heal, you don't need to hurry, we are here for you