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So just a quick update for you guys.

‘it’s now going to be close to month since my injection. Although I was optimistic about it, there’s no real change to how I feel. Arm still uncomfortable and I still have small pains. It’s not as bad as it use to be but it doesn’t feel as good as it use to when I was drawing before. 

Sooo... I have a follow up appointment tomorrow and will talk with the doctor to see what the next step is. He mentioned already that it’s possible the next step is to get an MRI. (Hoping my insurance covers that 😭) but that’s the plan anyways. I should find out tomorrow though what the situation is and whats to come.

‘If I can, I’ll try to update you all tomorrow, if i can’t get to you tomorrow, then I’ll try ASAP!

thanks everyone. ❤️🙏



I am glad it is at least not relapsing That is a good sign. I pray everything goes well and better news is in the offing. *hugs*


Good luck TwelveNine! Fingers crossed.


Thanks, and yes I’m happy as well, I can stand it for now. But another relapse is not on my to-do list.