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So today was my appointment, I ended up getting my injection and now resting for today.

The doctor was nice to answer some of my questions and concerns. To put it short, he’s says this injection should help relieve some of my issue, but is still unknown as of now if it’ll be enough to help cure my nerve pain permanently.

He said to give it at most 4 weeks to see if I still have any issues with discomfort. If I still somehow have an issue with my nerve though, they’ll have to schedule an MRI to take a more detailed look into my arm so as to see if there’s anything else that can be putting stress or pressure on my nerve.

So I’ll be seeing how I feel within the next few days and see if I noticed any major changes within this month.

Thanks again. I’m still trying to slowly work on my comic. So I’ll be sharing any updated and progress I have on that as well.



Thank you for the plushies today. You getting better will be the bestiest gift! *hugs*


Feel better foxy! <3

Colonel Arbuckle

Thanks for the update, Twelve! Here's hoping the injections work and you can be back to arting in no time! Praying for you always! *hugs*


feel better soon


I hope that they help your hand and you can do what you love without discomfort holding back your amazing workTwelve! Stay safe and rested bud. ❤