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Welp, sorry for the lack of updates. Hehe, but nothing drastic has really changed. Hand is still feeling off and bad at times. Hasn’t really felt worse but not really feeling better? I don’t know, I really wish I could draw and use my hand more. I’ve been pretty limited this past few weeks.

If this continue, which I’m afraid it might. I’m expected to have a follow up appointment in February and will then decide if I want to have a steroid injection in my arm. Which is supposed to help me and possibly recover (which is if it works) 

I don’t think people know how much Art means to me, and going without drawing for over a month really feels like tortrue. Really hope I can have relief soon.

I do feel bad not interacting as much as I was. Hopefully this won’t last much longer, and can be over soon. I just have to continue waiting it out for now. If anything changes youll be the first to know.

Hope everyone’s new year is treating them well. Stay safe. I’ll talk to you all again soon.


Colonel Arbuckle

Keep your head up, Twelve. Praying for you.

Kamiten Zien

Your healing is the most important thing! Don't push yourself or beat yourself up for not drawing. It will come back so long as you do the right thing for your body now! I look forward to seeing you able to pick back up without pain.


hope it goes well, please heal well! Have you tried training with the other hand (as hard as it may sound)?

