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Had my visit at the orthopedic, and to make a long story short, they want to prolong surgery as much as they can, the options I have to help me as of right now, is limit the use (which I’m currently doing) and wear an arm brace to limit the motion and use throughout the day, and especially at night. They say try that out for 1-3 months, and see how I feel.

The other option is an injection that can remove tissue and muscle that may be possibly constricting the nerve and relieve some of the tension around it.

I do like the the fact that the doctor thinks I should wait to think about surgery. It is a big decision and should only be seen as a last resort.

Soo I won’t have much to do these next few months. It sucks but, I’d rather give up drawing for 6 months, rather than never draw again. So just have to give it time.

*Also to all the new patrons that arrived, I appreciate the support tremendously! But I would hope by now you have seen my previous updates and are caught up on my current situation! Again I apologize for the major inconvenience! And would be happy to make it up to you in a refund if necessary.

I’ll be here to help we’re I can, thank you ALL again. And I’ll hope to update you all if anything changes! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



Even though it's not the best news I'm glad that your doctor isn't just opting to wisk you to surgery. That shows that you have someone who is willing to help you with all their expertise and care about you and gives you options before that call is made. I truly hope you recover Twelve. I send my support and best wishes for you.🤗


I've liked your work before you where here and I am here for the friendship *hugs* .


💖💖💖 Take good care of yourself!