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Okay, well after over 4 months, my hand is still giving me some issues. It really sucks as I’ve been really limited to how much I’m working myself, but it’s still affecting me and my work (drawing). Yesterday, I really felt it flare up. And has me feeling close to how I felt when this first happened. It’s not so much painful but it super annoying and really discomforting. No pain medications help as it nerve related and theres really not much I can do but just wait it out and hope it gets better. Also for the past 3 months I’ve  been having physical therapy sessions but clearly there not helping, well, there not helping as much as there’s only so much they can do. **(For those who are new, here’s some context on what ive been dealing with: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40931789 )

if this persist, I’m thinking of making another neurologist appointment, just to check and see if it’s improved or worsened, and what my options are.

I also want to continue working but I might have to limit my time even more. I do want and was planning on finishing my projects this years and that’s still the plan, but if this gets any worse I might have to wait. If that’s the case I’ll make an announcement. but for now I plan to continue and push on.

I’ll have updates on my situation, to let you all know where I’m at.

‘Thanks for sticking with me. ❤️


Colonel Arbuckle

I'm sorry you're still dealing with all this, Twelve. Praying for you.


sending lots of hugs


Stick? Why we are stuck to you. We love your art as an extension of you. Please take care of you for it is you we care for. Blessed be