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Hello everyone! It’s a Brand new month!

Happy December! ✨❄️

I wanna first thank everyone that’s joing me again this month! I really appreciate it a lot! So THANK YOU!

This tier update, no more monthly SHABANG, I’m sad to say theres no more Shabang, (Last months shabang was the final one) This month is really going to be extremely busy for me, as I plan to finish my comic, and current commission as well as prizes for last months winners!

I have big expectations for next year, and really big goals. I will no longer be accepting commissions or any work for the furry community. I won’t say I’m leaving the fandom, but I need to step away from “drawing” within the fandom. Im working towards building a portfolio, and need to give that my full attention. I have yet to gather ALL the details, but this will most likely be the final month for everything! No more Pins, probably no more PRINTS, and Mayeb no more TwelveNine, I’m still unsure about that one. But I’m definitely moving forward and can’t bring any furry related stuff. As the month gets closer to ending I’m hoping I’ll have a better idea of what I want to do.

So Thanks to all who have been with me so far. Again, nothing is final, just letting you all know the current situation for me. ❤️



Awww too bad, but you have to consider yourself first


I’m thinking of still opening up and sharing my art Journey for anyone that wants to support, there won’t be multiple tiers for different rewards. Just one small fixed price $1 and you can get access to everything that I do.


Cool cool


It'll be quiet without our cheery fox, but I hope that amazing opportunities jump to you and you can fulfill the goals you set for yourself!!💖


I would love to continue interacting with everyone! I’ll still hover around Twitter but sadly no more fox for a while :( Again if anyone wishes to support me I’ll have more details at the end of the month ✨❤️

Colonel Arbuckle

While we'll be saddened to see your reduced presence in the community, I'm glad you're actively pursuing your goals and working towards what you want out of life!


Please don’t think I’m “leaving” I’d be happy to stay in close touch with the friends I made! 😇❤️


aww it'll be sad to see you less active, you have such a unique style, and i consider myself lucky to having joined as patron. I just hope you're not neglecting something you love doing over some future uncertain plan where they don't appreciate you for what do (incidentally, nothing wrong with some furry art in a large portfolio)! Only you can decide what you want to, so I'll respect your decision, but I can only suggest not to give up a part of yourself over expectations you don't have control over. Best of luck pal


Thanks koda, I really appreciate it a lot! I’ll still be remaing active in art, but I have to diverse in what I draw. So I’ll be looking into opening or redoing this Patreon for anyone that want to support my journey for just $1 ❤️