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I reached my goal!!! 🥳🥳🥳

I got a big rush of supporters this month and really can’t believe it! 

I really can’t thank you all enough! This is like my 3rd time saying thank you this month! Really guys! I can’t appreciate the support enough you’ve all shown!

For me still being a small creator, this really means a whole lot to me! I know most of you here are here for my comic, while I also do SFW art, I much appreciate the support you’ve shown towards my very first comic! It sure is a lot of work to keep up with, and your support helps tremendously! ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks so much everyone for letting me hit my goal! It’s such an awesome feeling!
Don’t forget, I don’t just have a comic, check out my other projects going on and take a look at my past work and posts!




Always love seeing any new post from you, and these thank you posts are particularly cheerful and heartwarming! Seeing you succeed is really gratifying, and I'm so happy I can be a part of that💖💖💖


🥺😭 I don’t know what else to say except just thank you! You’ve been a big support, and I’m just here saying I appreciate everyone! Soo thank you ❤️

Colonel Arbuckle

Congratulations, Twelve!! You've earned it!


Thank so much Colonel! 🥺❤️❤️❤️ And thank you for being with me through this journey! 😩🙏❤️✨


Congratulations! Well deserved!!


Congrats Twelve I'm so happy you hit your goal and hope you keep on growing! Your art and posts are so uplifting and bright and you yourself are just an amazing person to know and support💖


Really appreciate the support you've shown Taka! I thank you for everything that you've done and for such wonderful support! <3 I'm happy to hear how much you and everyone enjoy my art and content, and it makes me very pleased to know!