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My friend Cider had gotten into a car accident last night, and felt soo bad for her. I immediately got to work last night to have this ready to share.

‘I’m hopping she can have a speedy recovery, and although nothing seems to serious about her condition, car accidents can still be very traumatic. So hoping she can get through it okay! ❤️




Has there been any update?


Not that I’m aware of, just from looking at the picture though, she’s definitely still going to have to be monitored for at least another day. If there’s nothing broken, she might get out of the hospital soon.

Colonel Arbuckle

Aww, this was very sweet and kind of you, Twelve! I know she'll be touched! Praying for the speediest of recoveries for her!


That’s just how I am, I know I’d want others to do the same if I was ever in a situation like that. ❤️


Oh no! I hadn't heard! I'm glad to hear she seems mostly ok, but also that they're being careful and monitoring her. Even if she's not injured in any specific way, car crashes are really scary and can leave you sore and miserable and tired, so I hope she gets lots of rest and care and love from her friends like this beautiful piece. 💖 Thank you for sharing this, best wishes to Cider 💖