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Some of you were curious on what I meant by my printer going wack. The prints were coming out really gross looking, due to a setting I accidentally turned on some how.

I tried to take photos of the actual prints themselves, but my poor phone camera doesn’t make it very obvious. So I recreated what it was printing like, and if you look closely you can see how bad the difference is.

if you missed that last update. My prints are back to normal and coming out just as good as they originally were! 🤗




the second (crossed) picture is too sharp for your style right? the first one (ticked) is a bit blurry which is what you're going for


OK. I see it. for most out there it is best seen in the lines depicting the muzzle to face transition and in the texture of the pizza. Your eye for detail and desire for production excellence serve you well 9.


Look at the detail in the pizza for the best example of what he is speaking of :)


Thanks pal, even if other might considerate fine, my eyes can pick up the slightest imperfection, which is a good and bad thing! 😭