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Taking a hiatus from Twitter and social media, ive been dealing with a lot of stress lately and just needed a break from it all. I’m still going to be here, I’m taking a break from Twitter, not art. so I’ll still be drawing and working on my projects!🥰

also wanted to take this time to thank all my current patreon supporters! You’ve guys have help me so much already so I know you’ll all understand. Also don’t be afraid to msg me still. I love hearing your thoughts on here! Also if you stay in contact with me on discord or telegram I’m still happy to chat there. You won’t be a bother at all. It’s Twitter and other media platforms Im just staying away from for now.

Hope your all enjoying there last couple days of their weekend! Stay hydrated! Here in Cali we got a massive heat Wave! 🔥 so for those still dealing with the heat I’m there with ya! Hope you all stay cool!

thank you again, I appreciate all of you! ❤️❤️❤️



I fully understand. You may or may not have noticed that there are days I stay away from Twitter as it feels like it drags my humour down.

Colonel Arbuckle

We understand, Twelve!! We all need a break now and then!