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Soo... I had my visit with the neurologist, he mentioned that what I have shouldn’t be serious. I’m scheduled for a nerve assessment to see how “Serious” it is and what I should do to help it. He mentioned a lot of things can cause it and it’s difficult to determine the underlying cause. But between work, drawing, working at a desk and even sleep can all be attributed to my hand discomfort. Again I’m taking it really easy with how much I’m using it. I’m still out of work, so again your support is really helping me at this time. And I appreciate ALL of you! ❤️

My assessment won’t be till the end of the month unless anyone canceled that would be the only way I can have it sooner. I won’t really have any more to say, cause that’s all I know so far. Hopefully I can get back to drawing here soon. If there’s anything new I’ll be sure to let you all know!

Thank you all again.


Colonel Arbuckle

Thanks for keeping us updated, Twelve! Praying the nerve assessment has a good result! Glad to hear it shouldn't be anything serious! <3


Thank you colonel ❤️ I’ll definitely let you know how I have the results.


If I may suggest, try soaking your hand in Epsom salts. It won't cure but it helps with any swelling and discomfort


As a mechanic, I've had my share of hand and wrist issues. You rest that paw up as much as you need to and get better 💜💜