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Hope everyone is doing well.

A quick thank you to anyone who got a sticker! I Hope you enjoy them!

Soo... I have my doctors visit at the end of next week, and since I’m not drawing currently, I have more time to think. I was thinking of making so higher tiers to test out and see who would like to receive physical art prints! I would have liked to open up a website and sold online, but let’s face it, I’m not the most well known artist out there. These prints would be Patreon EXCLUSIVE! I’ve yet to come up with a price, but my idea is to set up 1-2 pictures to choose from, and for one price with shipping included, you can receive 1 free print for that month. 

Also I would like to have (If I ever recover! 🥺) commissions that you can receive a free physical print with your purchase.

These prints will be be high qualitly and personally signed by me. I’ll have quality control over everything so as you can have a perfect print!

This is all still an idea that I would like to get feedback on so please comment or msg me your thoughts. 



I would die (almost) to have a print of yours in my hand 💜💜


❤️ hopefully I can end up following through on this! Thx for your input! :3


❤️ This would be really cool, I love art prints and you've already got some that'd probably make awesome prints! I can't say that I'd be financially able to support at a high enough tier for a free monthly print, but I'd definitely be interested in buying prints once a store is set up! :3 As a thought, having different size/quality options for prints might be good? 5x7 or postcard sized prints might be a good option for a second, lower cost monthly print tier.

Colonel Arbuckle

PHYSICAL PRINTS OF YOUR WORK?!?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?! Hope your appointment goes well, Twelve! <3


Thank you so much for the input! Yes I can agree with you, I know not everyone can afford monthly prints, I’ll try to figure something out, but remember you can always change your tier after you paid for the month! I’ll probably have it where you’ll know what the prints will be for the next month. That way you know if you want change your tier for the next month. As for size I’ll try to have small and large, but since this will still be new to me I’ll probably test out a lot with smaller prints 5x7 (Which I LOVE by the way❤️) so, I’m still working on it, I’ll hopefully figure out something that can work for everyone!


Hopefully you can sign up soon! I’m still in the process of figuring out what the best approach would be to sell theses. But don’t worry... they’ll come ☺️👍