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Soo... Unfortunately, it seems like my hand/wrist pain has come back but in much more discomforting way. I’ve already had a doctors appointment set up for the beginning of next month to get it looked at. I don’t think it’s due to art, well...I think some of it can be related to drawing, but I don’t think it’s the root cause for my pain/discomfort.

I want to keep drawing, at the same time I don’t want to overdue it. After my current commission is finished I think im just going to take it very easy on my hand until my appointment visit.

I hope it’s nothing to serious but I’ll have to wait and see. Just want to thank you all for ALL your support. It truly means a lot to me. ❤️



Thats fine. Take care of yourself first Kick back put it on ice or some epsom salt to soak and have a bear


A BEER a BEER Don't try to drink bears!!! They get grouchy about that


Definitely rest up now before anything gets worse!!

Colonel Arbuckle

Oh no!! Aw, I'm sorry, Twelve. Please take care of yourself first! Praying for quick healing for you!


Thank you colonel❤️ I hope that it nothing serious and that I won’t have to wait long. I’ll try to keep everyone updated as soon as I can find out what the doctor says.