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Soo... in case you didn’t realize, this platform is made for creators and artist to be more intimate with there supporters.

I encourage you, and please don’t be afraid to reach out, defiantly feel free to ask questions, give your input, and just talk!

If any of you have any question, just ask! :) And I’ll try to answer them, within reason.

You can comment to this post, or DM me here or through my Twitter or Telegram. I can reply publicly or privately depending on your choice.

Twitter: @ RealTwelveNine

Telegram: Twelvenine


Colonel Arbuckle

Do you currently make a living with your art? Is it your primary source of income? If not, do you hope to do so one day in some form or fashion?


I make enough to pay off the small bills. But I don’t make enough where I could afford to move out. I have a part time job where I’ll make most of my income. But I see my art as a side business. I would love to use my talents in some sort of professional use. I guess you could say my dream job would to be to get to work at a Studio.

Colonel Arbuckle

How long have you been drawing? Do you have a favorite piece you've done?


I’ve been drawing well over 15 years, but I’ve only been drawing digitally for around 2-3 years. And I’m still learning even now, there’s so much more a can improve on. And as for my favorite piece, I can share that with everyone in a new post. 😁