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The next scene should have been released by now, but i am having a huge amount of problems with corrupted physics. Ive spent hours re-making large parts of animations but as soon as i run them with everything turned on something breaks and the person atom goes into a continuous physics reset. Never had this before to this degree, the only explanation i can come up with is that the male isnt on a "hard" collider soaking up some of the movement for a lot of the animations. Im very close to abandoning this scene and im rather gutted as ive spent a lot of time on it. 




Maybe it's the chains? === DISCLAIMER - Usual "Dude on the internet gives advice about half-remembered stuff they half understood ..."-Disclaimer applies === What assetbundle/plugin are you using for the chain-physics? IIRC, there was an old assetbundle/plugin combo derived from some work over on Loverslab that was notorious for being ... difficult. Personally, my workaround was to physics-link both the male's controllers (hand/feet/etc) as well as the cuffs to strategically placed emptys & then it was a bit of a throw of the dice whether the cuffs would work with collision& physics enabled. IIRC, the newer assetbundle/plugin packs by MacGruber (and maybe the fancyschmancy IK-chains from NoHeadNoLegs?) work more reliably. P.S.: Can you test enabling/disabling both collisions AND physics on each of the cuffs/chain-endpoint? Warning: If it's the old plugin I remember from way back when, it doesn't take too well to only physics or only collisions being enabled. (For "Wild oscillations of person-atom" values of "doesn't take to well to " ...)


there are no collisions on the chains :) Using macgrubers. Also it does exactly the same if the chains are not there. They in no way support the male atom.


"the only explanation i can come up with is that the male isnt on a "hard" collider soaking up some of the movement for a lot of the animations" Makes sense to me. IDEA: Transparent surface below the male that mimics a hard underground? Even if the male's movements don't look 100% realistic ... nobody is going to notice. For ... reasons ... yknow? ;)