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A comment from a supporter has mirrored my own thoughts recently so id like to ask for more opinions. Of the scenes ive made recently Vampyres Suck and the Preview scene for Vihperdyne have been my favourites to make, i also really enjoyed setting up The Casting Couch and making all the non-sex animations for that. I have done sex animations so many times that it seems like im often just doing the same thing over again, and its difficult to keep the needed level of enthusiasm to spend hours at a time working on them. Thats why i made such an elaborate seating and platform arrangement in Vihperdyne to try and increase the options, which it does for moving the Female around, but when it comes to sex it doesn't make as big a difference as id hoped.  

So, should i focus more on showing off the Model and using Embody to move you around her and the Scene, to make each scene more different, and less of the 4 minutes or more of sex in one animation, which I kind of feel like i have to do as its a sex game, but is it really necessary ?



I would like to see scenes (lying view man), rest((on face to face)) .. and let others work :) +position (on the side face to face)


Your scenes are always pretty freakin awesome. Honestly, do what you like to do to keep the excitement and enthusiasm that you mentioned you had with the previous scenes. I feel you wont produce anything that we dont love regardless. If you stop enjoying creating scenes then whats the point?


Thanks spidey :) part of the enjoyment for me comes from others enjoying what i make, so its important to know what you think too, im mainly concerned that im not getting too repetitive in the content.

Glenn K

I feel exactly the same way as you. I love when the girl teases or even does positions that involve oral on the female. The sex in the scene should always be the main course, but let's not forget the appetizers! I love the non-sex part of your scenes!


I'm all for the girl moving around the player and, since I have VR, I'd love having her get in closer face-to-face which the embody plugin really helps with. Taking player control away and moving the camera is really disorienting though so I would strongly vote against that (mostly the turning). Avoiding that is specifically why vr devs implement teleport movement options.


If the sex stuff is repetitive it sounds to me like you need a way of automating it.


Yeah, seconded. Taking player control away in VR can be really disorienting - especially moving/rotating the viewport can make the difference between "comfortable, even while standing" and "trying not to puke, even while seated". XWizard had a sequence in their last scene where the player char is supposed to walk up a winding mountain path towards a castle, and ... my inner ear REALLY didn't like that part.


its easy enough to animate, but there are only so many ways a girl can bounce up and down, so by repetitive i mean it looks kinda similar in one animation as it does in another. Its far easier to aniimate than having the girl do a back flip or to walk.


Other positions maybe? Male giver? Or maybe I'm simply totally misunderstanding the question? (Wouldn't be the first time tbh) Mind you, I've never been disappointed with anything you've come up with - quite the opposite, to say the least - so I'd say go do what makes you happy (odds are pretty good it'll make me happy, too)


So I would say it depends on the actual scene its self. Is it to build up tension? tell a story? then maybe show off the model.


Pole dance scene in VIP is one of my all time favorites. Works well with different size models too. Add onto that?


May well do a new poledance at some point in a scene im working on.

