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Hello! Here's a little update for how things are going.

The surgery has been a success, though the fallout of it has knocked me out for an entire month... it turns out that deep chest surgeries are no joke to recover from.

Not earlier than last week I was able to resume drawing and I'm slowly regaining stamina (who thought my drawing arm could feel so... heavy to move). I've used the rest of the month to be productive on my gamedev side, but I'll post more updates about that as things move along. I've also used this time to go back and practice more inking, something that I feel is the weak link in my skillset. Training and lesson will be billed through Ko-Fi like in February.

Thanks for your patience and support!



Glad to hear it went well!


Take your time man! Surgery recovery is more intense than most people realize. Get your rest, we will be here