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This month I reached the age of 40, and with big life milestones come big moments of introspection. I've taken a firm resolution to try and push my art to a higher level, and to do so I decided to go back into studying the basics, formalizing my technique, and take a brief pause in my career as a freelance commission artist to focus on a group effort in order to be influenced and pushed by greatly talented artists.

As an effort to study I went back into relearning light and rendering, shadow theory, and now advanced color theory. I've already learned a lot of what was "missing", and it's been a terrific experience. I hope the results will start to be visible from the next piece I post.

As for the second goal, I got contacted by a team of extremely talented artists and creators to contribute to an RPG module for 5th edition D&D, furry-themed handled by Stormcrow studios. Because honestly as much as I can self-motivate by burying myself in books and painting exercises, nothing beats being constantly challenged by AAA talent surrounding you.

What does this change? Likely a lower amount of art I can publicly share until the RPG module will be published Q1-2 2022, which means fewer uploads and a few more months I will not charge for this Patreon. All the commissions I took are still confirmed.

For those who got the art lessons tier: I'm going to rework this tier to no longer offer single lessons but full courses. I think the single lesson works well for a self-taught artist who wants a push but most will prefer to buy a set of lectures that go toward a precise goal (like learning lighting, or learning color) in a set amount of time. Being better at teaching is a side goal of mine, so when this will be back, it will be to a proper academic standard.


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