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Hello! I took half of July as a vacation month, being the first time I could leave my home this crazy crazy year: I hope soon all of you will be able to take a moment to relax, be with family, and decompress this year, especially all of you following from the US.

 Obviously I'm not going to charge this month, but I'm still going to post some work, starting from this commission for DubFox (@Dubfox1 on twitter) starring his character in both nude and clothed version :3

In attachment the full resolution image in both versions.



PEACEWOLF (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-27 23:53:18 Looks so warm and welcoming Stunning work as usual <3
2020-07-22 22:30:23 Looks so warm and welcoming Stunning work as usual <3

Looks so warm and welcoming Stunning work as usual <3