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With the comic almost reaching its conclusion, I wanted to spend a moment to ask what you would prefer to see as my next patreon-supported project.

Here are three proposals, all three are adult in nature (as if that needed to be said!):

A lightweight videogame: that is something akin to a visual novel, maybe sprinkled with light gamebook-like elements (think Fighting fantasy books), or a more in depth card-based system. The theme would be fantasy comedy/adventure.

A heavy-weight 3d game: I had developed this concept last year and realized a lot of the tech needed for it (customizable characters, blocks placement and connections). The concept was to have a crafting and building sandbox, to use as a foundation for a second project later on.

A new color comic: It won't be a follow up to the current one, I wanted to go for a comedy/adventure concept (same as the lightweight visual novel/game actually), with a healthy balance of smex and plot.

Full disclosure: This survey is to check where the general interest of my supporters is, not to determine exactly my final choice. I will be honest with you guys: any of those 3 choices are going to be a massive time, money and energy commitment on my part, only partially covered by Patreon, so I need to be enormously careful before committing, because once I do I'm not the type to step back and pretend it never happened.


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