XP Calculator Updates (Patreon)
I've often struggled with how much XP to give for a character levels (eg. a 3rd level cleric or a 4th level fighter). If a group of simple bandits are lead by a 3rd level fighter, how much XP do you give for that fighter? Well, I think I've finally figured it out. Characters give 5% of the xp they need to get to the next level.
Of course, depending on the gear, prepared spells, and other factors, this number could go up or down. A 1st level fighter in plate mail with a +5 long sword should give more xp than a naked 1st level fighter. This is meant more as a general guideline. A bare bones 5th level fighter with longsword mastery, chain mail, and a shield gives out 1170 according to the calculator and 3200 according to the 5% rule. This discrepancy can be accounted for when considering that a 6th level fighter probably has at least one magic item, maybe a consumable one or two, possibly ranged weapons, or mounts, or other things that elevate them beyond their simple stat block.
Anyway, back to the xp calculator. Here are some examples of adjusted experience from the books
Monster Book xp Calculator XP
Kobold 7 20
Goblin 15 50
Gnoll 35 140
Ogre 270 410
Hill Giant 3000 2340
Werewolf 420 550