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And here is our exclusive creation, this time it´s snow elf. I have still on my mind other variants of elves for example dark elf, blood elf... I will let you decide through voting system in future, if you want those as well.


1# All of my sims are using default body from WickedWhims, so you will need this mod to make them work properly. U can download it here https://wickedwhimsmod.com/download/ but I´m pretty sure everybody has it already, right? =P

2# In case you have same CC from my file already in your mods, ALWAYS! replace it. Don´t worry, I never remove any swatches included in original CC, but I´m adding new swatches and textures very often, which are used by my sims. Any of CCs included in my file are not made by me and I´m not taking any credits for them.

3# This is totally not required, but in case you wondering, why my sims look little bit different on my screenshots than in your game, it´s because I´m using reshade. It´s very useful tool to make your games graphics look better, you can download it for free here https://reshade.me and then you can look for many reshades made by many creators on the internet. I´m personaly using Solar Breeze, you can find it here https://neecxle.tumblr.com/post/185987456478/the-day-is-here-where-you-guys-can-finally-access It is very nice preset, but i lowered saturation, because it was too colorful. Have in mind, that some presets will eat some of yours fps, but you can configure them as you want, it is very easy. My personal changes are those, I changed saturation to 1.5, colorfulness to 0.1 and in case you have big fps drop, you can always turn off GaussianBlur, it will help.

Please don´t share with anyone.




Her tatoo's are missing on my game


Make sure you have SeasonsTattoo_Winter_L0unacutex package in your mods folder.


Hi, and thanks for the reply. The file, SeasonsTattoo_Winter_L0unacutex package, is in my mods folder. I downloaded all your sims and put the mods files in my mod folder. There's about 1000 mods in my folder from you now. Some of the characters look fine, but some are missing wings, tattoo's, or accessories. I wonder if having so many mods in there is causing conflicts or causing some mods to overwrite others?


No, mods should not conflict each other at all. Those mods are in my library as well and I have no problem with it. I´m pretty sure that the issue you have is with order you are putting those mods in. You have to put them there from the oldest creation to the latest one. Because I´m very often adding new swatches/textures into those mods so if you overwrite new one with the old one, it will be missing that new swatch. Try it out and let me know, if it solved your problem. Cheers. =)


After redownloading all your mods and extracting them in order from oldest to newest, everything works perfectly! I had previously started with your newest post, so when I downloaded the older ones, it was overwriting with old files. thank you!