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Hi all! I apologize for the lack of content here recently; in June I was laid off from my day job and it's been a long process of looking for work and parenting and creating, and it kind of got to me in a way that wasn't sustainable. I'm taking a short break -- short may mean a day or a week or longer, I don't entirely know. I understand if you need to or want to pause subscription here.

One thing to look forward to: I'm hoping to get my head right for another book soon, and thinking about uploading the audio chapters to the patreon here. If you've been interested in something like that, we may soon have the capacity for a new Metal Gear (of books). So keep your eyes peeled for that in the nearish future.

Thanks for all your support, sincerely. I hope when I am back we can have an even more robust and energized community.



Rest up! Very excited for whatever comes next (including but not limited to the metal gear of books)