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Hey all,

So, I'll have a podcast about this later today that I'll crosspost here (I'm gonna try to do that to maybe streamline your RSS lives a bit), but I wanted to address this before you got the cheery email from Patreon staff.

As you may have seen if you've been on twitter or you follow multiple patreons, Patreon is going to be changing their billing policy. They will bill this as a way for me to get more money, and they're not wrong, but unfortunately what's left out is that you'll be the ones footing the bill.

Creators learned about this yesterday, so I've been trying to work out exactly how to work out a solution. You're all very generous and frankly, No Cartridge could not and would not happen without you. I think we're doing important work, and I can't thank you enough. But with that said, it's not fair for you to go into this blind. 

The bare facts then: Patron pledges are now increased by 2.9% and a .35 cent "processing charge." In the past, I footed the bill for this; now you will, and smarter people than I have said this is pretty profitable for patreon. As a result, a 1 dollar pledge, for instance, will now be billed as 1.37 after "fees." A 5 dollar pledge will be 5.50. And so on. And yes, I will receive more money in the end, but I, like a lot of creators, am not thrilled with the method we got there.

So! I've decided to decrease tier costs by .50 cents in recognition. I know 50 cents a month may not be a lot to all of you, but for some I know it can mean a whole hell of a lot. And most of all, I don't want you to think that I'm willfully gouging you -- far from it. You can feel free to drop your pledge 50 cents if you'd like, and we should break about even. If you want to keep it steady, that is also deeply appreciated, but as I said above it should be your choice, not mine or especially not Patreon's.

Keep an eye out for a brief cast on this, with some Marxist theory that people have been (unexpectedly) clamoring for. And keep your eyes here as the first year of No Cartridge wraps up and the second, even bigger year begins. Tell your friends, tell your family, but most of all, tell me if anything can be changed or improved. 

You can email me at trevor.strunk at gmail.com or nocartridgeaudio dot gmail.com, and you can also DM me at @hegelbon on twitter, get in touch at @nocartridge, yell into the void at the brand new no-cartridge.net or just respond here! I want you to be able to talk to me about this stuff. Thank you again, and game with honor.


Robert Ondzik

I would have paid irregardless and I think many would tend to agree! Don't sell yourself so short man, it's tough doing a thing every week.