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So I think after I finish this next animation, I might work on some shorter loop animations? Maybe? Would people want that? I generally don't like doing loops anymore because they feel kinda lame and uncreative, but doing large scale projects takes a lot of time to finish and release which stresses me out so I'm not entirely sure what to do about it

We'll see, I'll do some experimenting 




do what you like best :) , in the end everyone loves your content and support you ! So take your time !


Short loops are cool. It gives an illusion of an on going animation. Long ones are cool and can allow for story. Both are creative in their own right. Its preference. Your works are greatly received.


Hot. Lover her facial expression(and wetness ;P)


As long as you dont completely stop doing mha stuff since thats what i and probably most people came for do what you feel like and i always like the Animations more so i would love some animated loops


I'm fine with anything tbh. You're a legend IMO, and I love it all. If loops feel good because you can get more ideas out, that's fine! If you wanna do more posters, that's cool too! Especially if they're like this one, good lord.


I'm still beyond in love with MHA characters and universe so that's not an issue thankfully


Oh my good gods yes please and thank you! Fuck Mina looks so fucking sexy and beautiful! And her pussy getting fingered looks so lovely and tasty! Thank you so very much my God emperor of awesomeness friend for this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection. *yetihug*


Thank you so much 💕


Honestly, i would love to see short loops! But i would rather you do what you're comfortable with and makes it feel easier for you. Even posters from you are absolutely top tier and i will always enjoy them. Just make sure to take it easy. 😁❤️


I think loops of the lesser used characters would help, maybe even loops of non MHA characters


Absolutely planned, I might try to get some less-involved loops done soon, kinda like how I used to do my older animations. 30 second loops with a finish, those aren't too bad to do, we'll see!


First of all, Loooooooooove your Mina, she’s super Hot 😍💗💗💗 loooooooove when you draw my MHA characters ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Secondly, speaking of Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl), does anyone have a curiosity how does she looks like? Is she all the time invisible? Or if she goes home she can be visible? I am really curious about her. Also when she’s in battle she only wears a pair of gloves and shoes (duh she have invisible powers), true that no body can see her, but she’s actually naked! I wonder if any of her classmates got blushed when standing very near of her 😅 I know it’s an Anime, but wow if you think deep just like me 😅


She's invisible all the time, her quirk is a physical mutation so she can't turn it on and off unfortunately LOL, she's stuck with it for life


Thank you for the info GreatM8, after I read that I… I… I really felt sad for her 😢

Stefan Kather

Funny enough, without going into spoilers here, in the most recent manga chapter it was stated that she's technically not invisible but able to refract light. There is even a partial shot of her face^^


Loops are cool in moderation. Gets bad if you just model swap or lose passion in it. Although one big project after another could leave people without the specific content they prefer. I always like the Kami/Jiro and Todoroki/Momo stuff. all long vids are great tho Whatever you feel like man!


I can’t complain with what you’ve been releasing, so yea just work at your own pace.

Silent One

Sees Mina, instant like. Oh, sorry Hagakure. Didn't see you there. 🤭


i agree with you about loops stick to animations that have a start a middle and an end and pics


Whatever works for you. BTW we now know Hagakure's actual face, since Horikoshi revealed it in one of his sketches. Go nuts with her.


I would really love to see a Hawks loop. Cause ever since I saw his model I was curious as to what you would do with him. Your loops are always awesome I even love your futanari loops.