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Hurraaayyyy she won lots of candy

My one (1) Halloween related content for the month, I don't think I'll do any lewd Halloween stuff again this year but who knows how I'll feel

Though honestly I'm so dead-set on animating these few projects I have in front of me right now there's a very very very low chance for more holiday related content LOL




It’s so adorable!!! Especially Eri!!!


This is smart


Appreciate it either way and I always love animations so do you my dude

Super Gamer

twice the cuteness, equals twice the treats!!!


This is too precious! Holiday stuff is good, but staying focused is better haha Don't feel pressured to make stuff for Halloween or Christmas.

Ryan Frankenstein

Just empty my bowl of candy into her bag


OH MY GODS SHE'S SO DAMN CUTE! Thank you so much for this lovely heartwarming masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*


A few Demon Slayer posters wouldn’t go unwanted, just saying…


Whelp unfortunately I can't because I think patreon would throw a piss fit, but luckily there's this new guy on the block on twitter, I linked to them in a few recent posts. Keep an eye out on their twitter