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All heavily WIP of course. Now, I'm not saying those 4 shown are the only things coming in december, but they're the ones that should be definitely finished and posted in december. I have other ideas as well


I'll keep the news short and sweet. I'm very sorry for the lack of content recently

Some of you may remember a while ago I said I was experiencing some strange lightheadedness/vertigo, and I'm still dealin' with that. It's making it a little difficult to work, but It's not bad enough to warrant an expensive hospital visit.

IF THIS CONTINUES, I will absolutely be going to the hospital to get testing done, but as it stands right now I don't have insurance so I need to get that figured out before I go to the hospital for testing.


That is all, I wanted to keep it short so you guys didn't have a shitton of crap to read through. I hate this because I want to be working non-stop, but my body is doing weird shit and making it difficult. Thank you very much for being patient with me, at the very least these 4 animations should be finished throughout the month (pray nothing really bad happens to me so I can accomplish that)

I'm gonna be so fuckin' annoyed if I have to go to the hospital. I just want to animate :/




Don’t over work yourself, what what you can


We could donate to cover hospital costs! I wouldn’t mind, I hope you’ll feel better!


These are all beautifully sexy awesome and I know they'll be kickass hot masterpieces of pure flawless perfection when they are done but just remember my god emperor of awesomeness friend, take your time and don't push yourself. Just stay focus on yourself getting better and if you need help with the bills we can help you out. *comforting supportive healing yetihug*

Daniel Martell

Should do an ending to the mirio one where the guys are lined up outside of the frame all excited lol


Yea, as much as I would love to see your work, it's important that you do your best for your health.


Personal health takes priority over naughty animations.


hope things improve


Please take care of yourself.


please be careful


take care m8, health comes firest


A quick question, i don't have any hate behind it. Why don't you work on one thing at a time instead of spreading yourself thin?


can’t wait


Because I'll blow my brains out if I only work on one thing, It's unbelievably mind-numbingly boring


Your work is amazing dude :3 Take good care and get plenty of rest until you feel better!


I haven’t seen the Froppy x Bakugou post but I just wanna say that I adore your work and I hope to see more Bakugou content in the future 🖤 hope you’re doing well~