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You're all granted a free pass this year, you don't have to take part in this awful stupid nonsensical tradition the internet decided to create.


LONG STORY SHORT, I have been very lightheaded and experiencing vertigo for the last week, and It's been fucking me over completely. It's been stopping me from working and that is pissing me right the dick off. Trying to get my insurance figured out and then I'll be going to get checked out, if it doesn't go away soon. It feels like It's very slowly going away thankfully, but fuck me It's been an awful week.

ALSO I HAVE A 30 second animation loop I finished that I'll be posting later today too, so keep an eye out

Thank you for your patience and support guys, really




Hey, your health is important. Let that be the focus.


Hope you're well and in better health! Your content is amazing!!

Virtue 004

Yo man health always comes first. Hope you get better soon

Joe Hawkins

Went through the same thing a couple weeks ago. Been popping dramamine like candy. I have to drive for my job, so it's been an adventure.


You're all good man, just focus on yourself. I dont really wanna fail NNN anyway so uhh 😅


Dude maybe you should take a break and see a doctor while getting some rest. *healing yetihug*


I've read that some people got the vertigo feeling from C19. So don't wait too long to get checked out, and take care of yourself!


good luck with that, get well m8! health comes first.


A master piece