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Hope posts like these don't annoy you guys, I try to refrain from posting stuff that isn't an animation so as to not get peoples hopes up and then annoy them because it isn't actual content, but some people wanted to see my progression of drawing and this is one I did today that I actually really like.

TLDR; I started getting super serious about learning to draw at the beginning of the year, I'm practically brand new to it, and sometimes, rarely, I produce pieces like this one that actually look okay.

Before we know it I'll be able to draw full comics for you guys!

Also a colored version cause I needed a tiny break from animating.

ALSO finally, I'm actually making insane progress on the Toga x Bakugo animation and I might be able to finish it up (excluding rendering/sound design) tomorrow or the next day, I'll try not to push myself but we're really close and I just want to show you guys the full thing :(




Nah man it looks great and you getting good will help your art overall. You do you.

Nic the Djinn

It's the bae! Thank you for the gift of this best girl!


I honestly think this looks great! I love Mina and this is so cute ❤️❤️❤️


Your art is looking great !!


My guy, content is content. Don’t apologize. You’re still posting your hard work and I personally like seeing your artwork along the way. Think of it like this, drawing might be a break for you between the animations you spend hours on, and that’s amazing. You work so hard, if this buffer works for you, keep doing it. I honestly like seeing your art posts too.


That is an amazing beautifully sexy masterpiece of pure flawless perfection of the sexiest hottest goddess of 1-a. Mina. She is so gorgeous and sexy! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god of awesomeness friend! *yetihug* I can't wait to see more!


Sure plenty of people would agree you should post your 2D stuff more often :P

Cordell Richmond

Absolutely stunning picture. Wish I could draw like that.


This looks great! You’ve been making really great progress on your drawings and they are definitely appreciated!


I hope you do more Futa mina