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I thought I posted this here last night but I guess I messed up and didn't press post before turning off the PC.

I'm thinking of doing some manga-styled comics for the MHA characters in the future, and I'm just messing with effects right now. A lot more work would go into the final products, but I think stuff like this would be fun to do for sure. Would also include a fully colored version too probably.





I would love to see them actually more content is always appreciated but the question become will this and the animation be too much too handle ?


Yea go for it


Your work has for the most part felt super legit to the series thus far. Adding the comic effect will add the icing on the cake. I'd love to see how you pull it off, but like you said it would take a lot more work. I know you also like to balance a lot of commissions with your Personal stuff as well. If it burns you out too much I think what you're doing now is fine. However, again, If you do decide to go with the comic style that's gonna' be great!!

Ochaco Uraraka

I think this is a wonderful idea! Especially if you wanna tell longer stories or other content that wouldn't work for videos. Out of curiosity, were you using Photoshop or Illustrator to try to achieve the comic look on the top one? I know Illustrator has a lot of good 'image tracing' tools to convert pictures to look like drawn shapes.


I mean hey if its easier for you then ya do it. Tell a longer story and have fun with it

Devon Jose

Great cameltoe 👌🏼


Nah I'd just work on comics in my free time when I want to work on something but don't want to get deep into an animation.


I used Photoshop, but this is mostly just a test if nothing else. I might try out Illustrator in that case though since I'm paying for the entire adobe creative cloud thing, might as well if they have better filters, thanks ;o


I've been meaning to comment on this, but kept putting it off lol ANYWAY, I think this is an awesome idea, especially if it helps you unwind and you have fun doing it too. I know I enjoy seeing it.