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I hope you've enjoyed the two recent flash releases! I've looked at some feedback and will try to include some of it in the final version.

I've worked on the Sofi part of the farm project since then, and I've reached a point where I can get another demo coded! However, I don't know if I should wait with the release til I can get Sofi voiced or not. If not, she'll be completely pokerfaced during the entire demo, not even so much as blink! 

But if I wait til I can get a voiceactress to look at it and animate it all in, it'll take a while longer and it'll be a bit more expressive (and impressive perhaps).

I'm leaning towards the latter, but what do you guys think? 



Honestly rock it's entirely your decision cause your the creator. Idc which u choose I'm gonna enjoy it either way x3 keep up the amazing work bro


I think it'd be better to just wait for the voice acting. These might be demos but they're also sort of standalone animations and it's better to just put them out when they're done, IMO. If more stuff gets added to each scene in the final compilations that's just a bonus for when it's all finished rather than basic elements like facial expressions.


Wait for the voice acting, I say.


Yep it seems to be the better option just to wait. Unless new pokerface themed ZOO?


Personally the expressions are what make things for me, I look at faces alot but the voice are also great. But a pokerface isn't a killer for me.


I just played through the zoophobia release and it’s great as it is. Admittedly, with voice it would be great too. Just an idea here, but if you keep her gagged, you might be able to get away with a quick/cheap VA and rough out the rest.