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There is a longstanding debate among Ghostbusters fans: Is the Ecto 1A an upgraded Ecto 1 OR if it is an entirely different car. Afterlife seemed to suggest that original Ecto 1 remained in its original state.... but there was no sign of the 1A at Egon's farm. Where did it go? 

I do not have any answers... all I know is that I really like the 1A.

As a comedic gag, it signaled another level of marketing absurdity for the Ghostbusters (the side scrolling signs are a good laugh). It also shows the constant evolution and innovation of Ghostbusting equipment.

Following on the basic Ecto 1 rack I designed last year, I decided it was time for an Ecto 1-A inspired roof rack for the Kenner Ectomobile toy. The finished part is designed to be removable and requires no alteration to the toy. 

You will note that my picture shows it installed on the Ecto 1 toy... I'm sure it would look amazing on Kenner's re-released Ecto 1A variant (complete with caution tape decals)

The build goes quickly but there are a number of small parts to put together with a little superglue. For the hazard lights, I went with a translucent blue although I think it would look good with different colors to be more in keeping with the movie. 

Overall, I really like what this design adds to the original toy!



Paul Duncan - Antala

any way you can design a new door for the ecto i have one with a missing door