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I'm going to be shaking up my process a bit - normally I release files for my projects after I have been able to do a 'first build'. This helps me iron out the kinks in my files or change things up if I feel like it. Recently, I embarked on designing Extreme Ghostbusters-related props starting with the Neutrona Blaster.

My free time has been a bit more limited lately. To complete the whole piece and then release it would take a bit longer than I would like - especially when it comes to keeping a stream of content for you all. I have decided it would be fun to do an incremental "work in progress" (WIP) release of the files and give you all a chance to build the prop along with me! After it's all done, I'll do a "proper" release of the final files with dashboard instructions.

This first release is the barrel portion of the prop I currently have printing. I am using a "silk metallic black" PLA material on mine with fairly standard settings. I discovered that I mistakenly purchased a PLA+ spool and worked out (the hard way) that it needs some higher nozzle and bed temps! For the embedded "emitter", I am using a "translucent Red" which will eventually house an LED light.

I hope you enjoy building this with me!



Daniel Moran

What kind of screws for this piece?