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It's the holiday season and I have a present for you...

It's v1.0 of my 3D printable PKE Meter files inspired by The Real Ghostbusters cartoon!

I'm trying something a little different this time around: This post contains the STL files as usual. However, I am publishing the build instruction reference as an interactive 3D dashboard. Using your browser, you can navigate the model in 3D, filter objects, and go step-by-step through an assembly sequence.

The report is best viewed on a desktop browser and requires WebGL 2.0 (Chrome and Firefox both should work!)

Click here to visit the new PKE dashboard! (it may take a few seconds to load from the Power BI cloud)

This dashboard was made with Power BI and uses new software that my company has created for 3D model viewing and navigation. (You can find more information in the dashboard itself)

Here are some more images to get you oriented...




I have the same question. How does the blue post make contact to raise and lower the antenna, also what size screws are used?

Paul Roche

I, like others, am having trouble with the gear on the knob that makes the arms raise and lower. I have tried padding and reprinting but am not getting much luck. Padding the part just makes the gear slip, it feels like the teeth need to be bigger. Has anyone got any tips?