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Greetings Patrons! After taking some time off, I've put together this guide to installing some custom Proton Pack light electronics suited to the 3D Proton Pack files. An Arduino Nano is used to control the light sequences of the lights. Additionally, there are several models that can be toggled by the push buttons: Reverse polarity will reverse the order of the light sequences. Overload will accelerate the blinking speed.

The code for the Arduino is provided in the download so you can edit and modify for your own effects.



Michael A Bertrand

Do you have any plans for the none life size Spirit proton pack. The one before the Life Size one. I figured since it's just sitting in the closet maybe you had something cool I could do with it lol.

Nate Miller

I make my motherboards the ‘old fashioned’ way: I trace the shell edge and then cut it to fit. I usually just use painted hardboard.

shaun lennon

Are there links to where to purchase the the materials?