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Hello, my favorite patrons! I come bearing the next update to EtN. The poll on the location of the next scene was a tie so our wonderful anonymous Great Googly Moogly Tier patron cast a tie-breaker vote for... *drumroll* the Dorms!

As a small heads up: My birthday is coming up on the 15th! I have a few different plans this weekend to celebrate so the next update may take a couple of extra days, but nothing major.

Update Notes:

These apply to the furry and human editions:

- We have a new shrunken OV scene in the Dorms in the "Party Room" with a new character named Dylan (who I am already in love with and will absolutely be using again). This scene can be accessed if you are a micro/tiny.

- We also have... the first Secret Scene! The Secret Scenes will be in the final version of the game but only patrons will get the exact instructions on how to reach it. The scene isn't excessively difficult to find but is a bit more involved that the vast majority of scenes. If you would like to find it on your own, I highly encourage you to do so and I'd love feedback on if you think it's reasonable to achieve. Otherwise, I have attached the step-by-step instructions to this post, they will not be hosted in the regular guide.

- From here out I will continue to release the Furry Edition and Human Edition updates together rather than alternating weeks for each, I have found it's just better for me to do it this way. I hope that's alright with you guys! Right now I seem to be able to put out about a week but I will make sure it goes no further than the 2 weeks on my update schedule barring the unforeseen.

- The old link to v.16.1 has been retired.

For the Human Edition:

- Please keep in mind the password for the Human Edition is a monthly password so the password for this release is the same as the prior version.

As a note: I have noticed on the older listings on the Quest website that some people are downloading the game from the Quest site rather than Patreon. I would recommend if you're playing the offline version downloading the game file from Patreon if possible as the version downloaded from the Quest site does not contain the backgrounds. If you want to play without the backgrounds or can't download it from Patreon please go ahead but I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware.

Here is the link to the regular walkthrough: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QfnsOpJbRMcyuyGEjc1Gvz-rk_06CDLm65vjbK2ITxA/

Here is the link to the online version: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/dgbwzz8x6eabb85mruwz3w/escape-the-neighborhood-patreon-update-v-17

And of course, please keep in mind the online version of the game does not have  background/image support and it is always recommended to play the offline version for stability. Online version stability issues are known  with the online player and are not something I have control over.

As always if anyone has any trouble or questions please let me know! Everything worked when I tested it and this time I think I put all items back in their appropriate places after testing but if I missed anything let me know!

Thank you all so very much again for your support and I hope you enjoy!


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