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Thank you so much for returning to Escape the Neighborhood! This is a preview of the Human Edition of the game! The human version will be a re-write of the game with human preds as opposed to furry. For this public demo, the only three edited scenes that will be available will be getting caught on the couch or in his bedroom by your father or wandering into your brother's room. All of the items have had their text altered to a human-only world. This is just for a taste (pun intended) of how the Human Edition will feel. The Patreon version will in time be a full re-write with all scenes old and new converted from the original furry version. 

If you aren't subscribed already you can join the Human Tasting, Human Swallowed, Gurgling, Fully Digested, or Great Googly Moogly tiers for access to Human Edition as it is updated! You will also gain access to the furry version if you're so inclined! You can also join there for access to the full furry version with over 17 completed endings!.

The demo can be played by downloading the Quest application from https://textadventures.co.uk and can also be played online at https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/z5yiuma9fuylh6_sqvpvvw/escape-the-neighborhood-human-edition-public-demo Downloading the game and playing it through the Quest application is always recommended as the online player is known to be unstable. 

Thank you for playing! 



Love it so far


That's great to hear! Now that the snowball is rolling I should be able to move through it well! Just let me know if you have any feedback as I go! :3