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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for being here! Today I am pleased to release the first Patron Early Access update! Woo! This was a lot more work that I was expecting but we have two big new things and one minor new feature!

There is a new scene in the gym locker room! Better have lunch money for the bullies or you might not make it out! This scene is one of my longest yet because I was having SO much fun writing it... aaand completely crashed my Quest trying to put it in the game. But I figured out after about an hour of fighting with it how to make it work and it seems to run well on my side. There are some very mild variations depending on what you have with you as well and if you cooperate or not.

And, after a massive amount of fighting and scrubbing the forums to figure out how to make it work, we have a graphical update as well! This is one thing I'm super excited about and I hope you guys like it.

Last of all, after feedback from some people online, I have created a switch so you can switch off the dad/brother vore scenes altogether if you're not into that. I think I have all of them set to be shut off. If you want to toggle those off or back on (or just use that to get through the house faster) look at the Family Photo on your desk! If you still run into any please let me know so I can fix it!

Unfortunately, the Quest website does not support the new filesize so I will need to take out the graphics from the new version before I can upload it to the Quest website to play online. The downloaded version (attached) should still work perfectly well though and either way it won't hinder the new written content. I will upload the online version tomorrow as I am exhausted after dealing with Quest breaking.

This update was a BIG learning experience for me, so if you guys run into any errors please let me know as soon as possible! Worst case scenario I'll scrap the graphics idea and move on with just text, but hopefully it won't come to that.

Thank you guys so much! Feedback is always appreciated! I truly hope you guys enjoy!



I'm not sure what kind of graphics you mean, but would you be open to/willing to upload some of them on here? For those who only have access to the online player at the moment


You bet! Not to spoil it for anyone opening the game now but- The graphics update is for backgrounds! Using NovelAI I have created backgrounds for every single area of the game to breathe life into the world. If you would like to see them I can absolutely upload them! Would you like me to?


Thank you! I'm a big fan of it! As a heads-up I am having some issues with the Quest website not accepting the second patreon exclusive file as a new listing. I've posted on their forums asking for assistance and as soon as I can find out what's wrong I'll try to get the online version working! So sorry for the delay on that, I don't know what's wrong but I'll do everything I can to get it fixed. (Whenever I try to upload it as a new game it just replaces the file on the existing public game rather than the new one) As soon as it's working I'll upload some of the backgrounds here! :)