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Thank you everyone so very much for joining my Patreon! I am SO grateful and it is SO exciting to see such a positive response to my game! 

Though future polls will be for the $10+ tiers, to celebrate reaching 10 Patrons I wanted to give everyone a chance to vote so I can get a general idea of what people want to see going forward. Please feel welcome to comment as well if you would like to elaborate further. Please keep in mind these are all things that will be coming, so just prioritize whatever you'd like to see first! 

I can't thank you guys enough! 



My main wish is for a non-furry version. But I'm probably in the minority there


Heya! Thanks for letting me know that! I'm sure you can't be the only one out there! Long story short, I did mull over on the announcement I made on one site (Voreplay) that I am considering the possibility of translating the story from furry to human. What I posed there was the possibility of a "human tier" for the two lower tiers which would be $8 and $15 rather than the $5 and $10 (the higher tiers will stay the same). This would essentially pay for the sizeable work it would take to re-edit all the scenes (it's much more work to de-furry a story than furry a human story) as well as create two separate copies of every scene as I go. Essentially, if I get at least one person who would agree to join one of those tiers I will create the tiers and once they have subscribed I will begin working on those edits in tandem with the new updates. I would essentially release them in chunks until it's caught up with the current furry version and then keep it updated as regularly as I can (possibly a week after the furry version gets an update or something similar, I'll work it out when we get there). I actually have mulled over the idea of a human version for a while but having patrons to report to would ensure I can justify prioritizing the time and energy. If you'd be interested, or any of my other patrons here, or anyone you know would be, just send me a direct message and we can discuss it from there! :) If not, it's totally okay! It doesn't mean it won't ever happen, just that it's not something I can put on the priority list at this exact moment.


I would certainly be willing to increase my subscription by $3 for the human version. But I don't want you to take on too much. It might be best to make sure your furry subscribers are happy first - I'm content to stay at the current tier until you have the time to devote to a human version


Thank you so very much for your concern! :) That is very kind of you! Right now since I'm still job hunting I definitely should have the time and energy to work on both simultaneously, and hopefully I can get everything caught up as quickly as possible. Maintaining the human version will be easier once it's caught up. The new tiers have gone live today! :)


I don't know how complicated it is to add but I'd really enjoy the option to look at a pred and see a picture of him That way people who like to imagine the look of a pred could just never use the option to look at the pred and others like me, who have a hard time getting into a pred scene without knowing how the pred actually looks would have it much easier.


Hey there! Thank you for your feedback! I have actually been considering this recently. With my current financial situation and the volume of characters, at the moment I would likely use AI generated art for the preds, at least for the time being (which I've been playing around with and made some good stuff!). However, I know that AI art is a very contentious subject right now and I would like to at least get a couple of updates under my belt before polling my patrons to gauge the comfort level. If you'd like to share your thoughts on that feel welcome to reply here or message me directly :)